Best sports marketing campaign (that wasn’t yours) :
For me it must be the 2002 Nike Cage football tournament with the Elvis soundtrack. Iconic moment!

Best agency (that isn’t yours):
I can’t really choose anyone else apart from Fuse ;)

Best sporting event attended:
Watched a home game at Dortmund. One of the best places to go.

Best sporting event on TV:
Tyson Fury vs Wilder III – epic moment on live TV. Did not regret waking up so early to catch it.

Best brand ambassador:
This one is too hard to choose from so I’ll give you my three which I feel tied into the brand and its values perfectly (all sports related):
1- Usain Bolt x Puma
2- Tiger Woods x Nike
3- Thierry Henry x Renault

Best film containing a scene depicting the sports business:
The recent Ford vs Ferrari movie was interesting – sort of sports business.

Best book recommendation:
Undisputed Truth - Mike Tyson’s Autobiography

Best bar or pub:
Probably the 9th Ward in Farringdon

Best restaurant:
Lahore Kebab House or Regency Club

Best box set:
Breaking Bad, Narcos, GoT, Vikings ...the list goes on

Best influence on your career:
Probably one of my managers in the past. Really helpful and allowed me to grow.

Best job in the sports biz:
I really enjoy what I do at the moment but ...a dream role would be Branding and Partnerships Advisor for football players or Player Identification / Scouting at a PL club.

Best skill you most covet:
Coding and Data Analysis

Best trait you admire in others:
The ability to go work out first thing in the morning. Massive respect to those who do this.