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Golf Instruction 2.0

Expedited by disruptions to in-person teaching as a result of the pandemic, the world of golf instruction has had to adapt to the times...

Best 2022 Partnership Deals.....

Now in its third year, Gary Linke’s (AKA The Missing Linke) list of favourite deals will provide an amusing antidote to the pessimists...

2022 World Cup........ of Kits

For the last two seasons, I’ve written a review of the Premier League kits for the good folks at UP Towers. Good old fashioned Top 10s....

Qatar: Looking For Locals (and Legacy)

Many of us in the sports industry have been talking about Qatar for years. Now, less than a week away from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022,...

Fear of Sponsorship Measurement

As COVID restrictions have all but gone and confidence rises in the viability of major sports events, we have seen a lot of major...

Best EPL kits 2022/21....

There are a few things that football fans have to get used to this season. An early start date. A mid-season World Cup. Five substitutes...

The UP Guest Blog

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